SpeedDealer 2015 Calendar
The SpeedDealer Motors Calendar is about to go to print. We will probably make a limited initial print run to see what the demand is. If you want one for sure you should let us know. We are planning on offering them for $20.00 each.
We are planning a calendar signing November 22nd at Smarty Pants in Georgetown. Come on down and purchase your calendar and get it autographed by some of the models.
Shooting Mitsu for the 2014 SpeedDealer Calendar
I am working on a 2014 calendar project for SpeedDealer Motors and I figured I would share a few shots of my shoot with Mitsu for the calendar.
If you are interested in modeling for the calendar, contact me here
Model for 2014 SpeedDealer Calendar
I am looking for female models for a 2014 SpeedDealer calendar
Please Contact us if you are interested.
These will be trade for images shoots.
Here are the pages from our 2010 calendar:
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